Just got back from a 9-day trip to the Tucson area where we did some climbing and hung out with some ex-Portlanders. The first few days we did some cragging up at Mt. Lemmon. The first day we went to a lower elevation crag called 'La Milagrosa' (aka 5.11 heaven):
A VERY strenuous approach.
Lila leading 'Community Service'
More 'Community Service'
I'm at a loss for words...
Jeffrey at the Saguaro Corners.
Saguaros everywhere!
Maybe this is how I re-injured my shoulder...
Our second day of climbing was at a crag called "The Wall of the Marching Munchkins." This was a fun little wall a little higher up on the mountain. We had the whole place to ourselves so most of these are butt-shots:
Note - Tucson has amazing sunsets, and a really great place to watch them is from Hitchcock Pinnacle at Windy Point:
I apologize to all my faithful followers (I think there are two of you!) for my lack of updates, but it has been a super busy quarter and I haven't managed to get out much (at all). The good news is that I'm done with the first quarter of my junior year, which is supposed to be one of the hardest, and the bad news is I haven't climbed outside since September! On another good note, Lila and I are heading down to Tucson in the morning to do some climbing at Cochise Stronghold and visit some friends. Can't wait to touch some sunny rock! Here are a couple from some hikes around Portland and from the coast.